Life and occasional victory as a “sex offender” registrant

Originally published in the CT Mirror; reprinted here in full with the author’s permission. By James Cornelio . . . I was born in Torrington in 1955, the son, one of four, of a successful small-town automobile dealer and a stay-at-home mom. After graduating from
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When it comes to “sex offenders,” how far will “Not in my backyard” behavior go?

By Sandy . . . An interesting screen shot was captured online. Titled “Barefoot Lake Issues” and written by someone who signed his name as the town manager of Firestone, CO, it sounds as though it could be a coded message in
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Press release re forced physical castration legislation in Louisiana

NARSOL Newsroom Advocacy group denounces Louisiana legislation as useless, barbaric, and costly 2024-04-29 Proposed law does not address issue of child abuse, could cost the state millions says the National Assc. for Rational Sexual Offense Laws “No other state in the union
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