By Sandy . . . “A family member of mine is currently incarcerated for a sexual offense conviction and is due to be released in July, 2020. When he was first arrested, I thought I could make a difference by going to
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By Michael McKay . . . Minors cannot legally consent to sex, ever. Not with adults, not with each other, and especially not with their teachers, who are entrusted by parents with a special degree of responsibility for their students. Whenever sex occurs
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By Sandy . . . There’s a new phrase in town, and it’s catching on like wildfire. April 29th is the start date for a new CNN program based on this phrase. It is called The Redemption Project, and you don’t have
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By Sandy . . . At NARSOL, each of us wears many hats. Robin Vander Wall is the organization’s vice-chair, president of its foundation (Vivante Espero), sits on several working committees, and is chair of the marketing and finance committees. It is
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By Michael . . . As a senior citizen recently qualifying for Medicare, I was excited to learn that my new Medicare Advantage plan allowed me free access to the YMCA. Since our local “Y” has a great pool, I was really
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By Sandy . . . In 1999, a young man of 17 met a young lady of 16. The details of the development of their relationship are murky; some reports indicate they were not sexually involved on the day for which he
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By Will Mingus . . . As a child, I was taught the adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me.” But that’s not really true, is it? Ask any child who’s been the recipient of
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By Sandy . . . Everyone will not agree, but it is my belief that much sexual offense policy is driven by a sincere desire to protect children and reduce the risk of harm to them. The fact that the greatest part
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By Jason . . . Dear Facebook, Winter break-ups are the hardest. It’s been four cold months since you broke up with me. I thought you might want to know I’m doing okay. Sure, at first, I’d find myself flicking my thumb up
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By Sandy . . . I get a large number of emails each day, many containing links to stories or news items. I cannot read them all, and I generally make that decision in less than a second. What determines whether I click
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