This hour will feature civil rights attorney Adele Nicholas discussing Murphy v. Madigan. This lawsuit challenges the laws and housing regulations that result in individuals convicted of sexual offenses remaining in prison beyond their release dates.
By Andy S. . . . Larry and Andy discuss various strategies that prosecutors use in determining sentences. Is there a difference between Federal prosecution and state level prosecution?
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By Andy S. . . . We are in the era of the podcast! It is a very exciting time. It’s like a DVR for audio (and video) programs. The days of waiting until the exact day and time for the program
Read More History of probation Probation first developed in the United States when John Augustus, a Boston cobbler, persuaded a judge in the Boston Police Court in 1841 to give him custody of a convicted offender, a “drunkard,” for a brief period and then helped the man to
Read More Larry sheds light on the complexities of how one transfers their supervision to another state. Interstate Compacts History of transferring to another state ICPP Why? Interstate compacts, such as ICAOS, are born out of necessity. For ICAOS, the necessity is for
Read More Andy and Larry take a deep dive, along with a couple big detours, on polygraphs. How do they work, especially as it relates to registrants, and the Polygraphs – Von Behren decision Describe how a polygraph procedure works for a registrant
Read More Why isn’t a sex offender registration unconstitutional? History of the registry – how/why did it come about: Pre 1994: Few states required convicted sex offenders to register addresses with local law enforcement. The 1994 Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually
Read More NARSOL board member Jon Cordiero discusses the registry laws. Source :
This program is courtesy of It Could Be You, and KABF 88.3 FM Community Radio, “The Voice of the People,” Little Rock, Arkansas, Everyone who listened to the live interview and who listens now, please send an e-mail to KABF thanking
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“Conversations with Wendy” is a talk show that comes on WINA, a news radio station in Virginia. Apparently they received our Halloween press release, and the host, Wendy Edwards, reached out to NARSOL’s Executive Director Brenda Jones and invited her to be
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