NARSOL White papers
Civil commitment and “sexually violent predator” laws harm individuals, families, and communities (2023)
Sex offender registries' reach has expanded exponentially. (2023) (First assertion)
Public registries provide no meaningful protection yet endanger many. (2023) (Second assertion)
Public registration and restrictions extended beyond sentence are punitive and violate constitutional rights. (2023) (Third assertion)
Evidence-based policies and programs can reliably reduce new sexual offenses and thus make our communities safer. (2023) (Fourth assertion)
The misinformation and stigmatization used to justify harsh sexual offense laws undermine the welfare of society, creating unnecessary panic and distrust. (2023) (Fifth assertion)
Choosing to set apart any group of people and deny them civil, constitutional, and human rights threatens the rights of every person in our nation. (2023) (Sixth assertion)