Advancing Advocacy: the Fearless Group Project

Meeting Video Available HERE.

It’s very common for those of us in this Movement to feel lost and alone. The whole process from arrest to conviction to of course being on the registry only serves to make everyone feel more and more isolated. There’s a lot of fear going around, and it isn’t just of that mythical bogey-man.

At our September conference, RSOL launched a new national project called “Fearless.” Fearless support groups are aimed at breaking down isolation and fear by providing a safe place for registrants and their loved ones to get together, build community, and learn ways to step out and take charge of their lives and overcome the stigma they face.

This month’s meeting will introduce Fearless groups and answer any questions attendees have about the project. Sign up for the meeting HERE.

Meetings are generally recorded and can be found on our website under Media/Webinars, or on the StartMeeting page itself. We will also add a recording link to this blog page.


These webinars launch either from our meeting wall at, or by calling in to 1-701-801-1220 and entering Access Code 168877435. The Start Meeting online software or downloadable applications will allow you to listen and view any presentations on your computer, tablet or smart phone. Detailed instructions will be sent after you register for the meeting.

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