RM70: 9th Circuit May v. Ryan

On this, our 70th episode of Registry Matters, we have a long time listener and supporter from Florida who is trying to learn about the legislative process to be a more effective advocate; additional topics covered are:

  • A listener emailed a question regarding moving around and around and around to avoid registration;
  • A voicemail question about supervision conditions when moving to another state;
  • Justice is the prosecution getting the right person, not putting “anyone” behind bars for 22 years;
  • Philly DA is going after mass incarceration;
  • Man spends 36 years in prison and can receive a max $250k for wrongful incarceration;
  • Mens rea reform and using an affirmative defense;
  • SCOTUS considers if jury should be involved in supervised release;
  • Virginia Governor proposes to tweak evacuation shelter rules for registrants;
  • The 9th circuit decision in a NARSOL case regarding if the state is required to prove sexual motivation.

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