Human Rights Watch Releases Latest Report

Raised on the Registry: The Irreparable Harm of Placing Children on Sex Offender Registries in the US,” was over a year in the making. 111 pages long, this report is having a tremendous impact across the country. Nicole Pittman, the researcher and primary author, gives credit to those who helped with the project. “We are tremendously appreciative of the assistance, encouragement, and warm hospitality from the following organizations, including, but not limited to: Wayne Bowers; eAdvocate; Charlie Sullivan and the CURE community; Terry, founder and director of New Jersey Families Advocating Intelligent Reform (NJ Fair); Reform Sex Offender Laws (RSOL); Mary Sue Molnar, director of Texas Voices for Reason and Justice; Jan Fewell; Diane Iosue; Phil Harris; Ilinois Voices; Texas defense attorney Laura Peterson; Mary Devoy, Reform Sex Offender Laws of Virginia (RSOL); Sharon Denniston; Matthew 25 Ministries and Miracle Village; Leticia Rodriguez; and Vicki Henry, president of Women Against Registry.” You may view or download the full report here.

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