NARSOL is honored to be associated with many other wonderful organizations and individuals in our quest for meaningful criminal justice reform. We proudly stand as partners with:
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) in a variety of states in the goal of standing against discrimination of all people based on their inclusion in an identifiable group.
ACSOL (Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws) in the fight against restrictions, such as Halloween restrictions, residency restrictions, and presence restrictions, that offer no public safety and inhibit rehabilitation initiatives for registrants.
ALI (American Law Institute) in its initiative to promote laws relevant to sexual offending that are based on research and science.
CautionClick in its dedication to restoring safety to our communities and rights to registrants by abolishing the registry.
The Community in its mission to foster, encourage, and support the full potential of people with criminal records.
Crossroads of Hope in the goal of restoring hope and acceptance and providing a non-judgmental place of worship to those on sexual offense registries.
CURE (Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants)/CURE-SORT (Sex Offenders Restored through Treatment) in the goal to improve humane treatment for incarcerated people and their families as well as the successful reentry and rehabilitation for those who are returning to society after a period of incarceration.
DDD (Decriminalize Developmental Disorders) in its advocacy to have the vulnerable population of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities recognized by the criminal justice system as having unique challenges and needs.
Dr. Nicole Pittman in her relentless fight for appropriate consequences and treatment for the youth of America whose lives have intersected the criminal justice system.
FAMM (Families Against Mandatory Minimums) in their advocacy for fair, individualized sentencing policies as part of a more effective justice system.
House of Hope, RI, in its goal of ending homelessness in Rhode Island for everyone, including registrants.
Human Rights Defense Center in the fight for the restoration of constitutional rights as well as basic human dignity rights for all.
JustLeadershipUSA in the goal of decarcerating the United States by educating, supporting, elevating, and empowering the leadership of directly impacted people, especially those most affected by discriminatory policies, to be more effective advocates in driving national and local policy change and better organizing supporters in their own communities.
LEITNES--a path home in their mission to aid in successful rehabilitation to those on the registry in Virginia by providing meaningful employment to registrants.
Michigan Center for Youth Justice in the goal of assuring that youth who are brought into the criminal justice system are afforded what will most optimally impact their future.
NewDay Apartments in the goal of making communities safer through providing safe housing for persons on the Illinois Sex Offender Registry.
Prison Legal News and Criminal Legal News in the goal of giving hope to those incarcerated and those dealing with the criminal justice system through the written word.
Rise Above in its goal of supporting pathways for those who have committed sexually based offenses to successfully reintegrate into society through healthy life choices.
Sarasota Prisoner Outreach Project in the goal of communicating and engaging, via topical newsletters, snail mail, and/or email correspondence, with those who are scheduled to return to Sarasota County for probation at the end of their incarceration. (We cannot offer legal advocacy or reentry assistance.)
TACC (Texans Against Civil Commitment) in their fight to end post-prison civil commitment as it is imposed on those with sexual crime convictions.
UV4SOR (United Voices for Sex Offense Reform) in the shared goal of working to reform and change the life-long stigma and collateral damage that is inherent with sexual offense accusations, charges, convictions, and registration.
WAR(Women Against Registry)/ WAR of Florida in the goal of offering hope to all impacted by the sex offense registry and registry laws, especially the families of registrants.