NARSOL cases in Illinois and Wisconsin moving forward

By Mark . . . On May 31, 2024, the parties filed their opening summary judgment briefs in Antrim v. Carr, 19-cv-396 (Eastern District of Wisconsin), in which plaintiffs challenge the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s statutory scheme requiring that certain individuals convicted of sexual offenses
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Wisconsin’s lifetime GPS monitoring challenged

NARSOL’s legal team . . . NARSOL is publicly releasing for the first time copies of two expert reports filed last week in Antrim v. Carr, 19-cv-396 (Eastern District of Wisconsin). The case challenges Wisconsin’s statutory scheme requiring that certain individuals convicted
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A travesty in New York–is help on the way?

By Sandy . . . When Johnny Brown was 18, he committed a felony which resulted in a sentence of five years’ imprisonment and five years’ parole. Johnny served out his full sentence of incarceration, and his release date was January 30,
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