By Sandy . . . A life has ended, the life of a man with a unique talent, a successful career, and, at 41, the expectations of a brilliant future. The circumstances are heart-wrenching but not unfamiliar. Ed Piskor wrote what appears
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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews,
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By Sandy . . . It is a given that if one is convicted of a crime, some sort of punishment will follow. Why? It has been thus from the beginning of time. The hope is that the punishment will evoke a
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On March 27, Abby’s column was a letter from a mom concerned that her son Joey was being invited to play at the home of his friend Paul, whose stepdad was a registrant due to a conviction for an offense against a
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An advocate in Switzerland contacted NARSOL with a suggestion: We should organize a sign-on letter to the State Department asking them to cease revoking the passports of registered citizens who met the Angel Watch criteria of needing a “special identifier” affixed to
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Also published in the Digest, Vol. XVII-1 and the Washingtonn DC Patch, Jan 15. By Sandy . . . A freshman legislator in South Carolina is putting forth a bill this session proposing that sexual crimes meeting certain criteria be considered capital
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By Sandy . . . February 12, WKRC, Cincinnati, aired and ran a piece by David Winter about what they imply is a failure to protect children based on law enforcement’s handling of residence restriction laws for people with a historic sexual
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Also published at the Washington, D.C. Patch By Sandy . . . “They do it with no regard for travel plans, for the reservations made, for the months of planning and the hundreds and hundreds of dollars that have been spent and
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By Sandy . . . I read about a case today that disturbs me; it raises some concerns and some questions that I am unable to find answers to. A young man in Mississippi was arrested January 7 for “. . .
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By Sandy . . . January 5 – 7 the board directors of NARSOL and its foundation Vivante Espero gathered in Boston, Massachusetts, for its annual strategic planning retreat. All of the combined fourteen directors were in attendance, eleven in person and
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