By Sandy . . . Long before condemnation of the term “sex offender” became so prevalent, many advocates, including those of us at NARSOL, were very uncomfortable with that term. That was the primary reason behind us making the decision, in 2016,
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By Sandy . . . In this age of internet, online chat rooms, and social media, parents often feel overwhelmed, even helpless, when they hear about the potential dangers of online predators. Parents consider keeping their children safe their number one job.
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By Sandy . . . And what an awesome conference it was! The room was packed at every plenary session. The presentations were amazing. The awards dinner was fun-filled and delightful. The opening presentation by Meghan Mitchell over the effectiveness—or rather lack
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By Sandy . . . It happened in Arkansas, in Garland County, and, according to local media, the jury deliberated for 17 minutes before recommending the highest allowable sentence plus a $5,000.00 fine. Granted, this registrant does have a rather colorful history
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By Eastern University . . . In 2008, David Garlock ’17 found himself in a hopeless situation. He had served over 8 years of a 25 year sentence in prison, alongside his brother, for taking the life of their abuser after many
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Originally published in the CT Mirror; reprinted here in full with the author’s permission. By James Cornelio . . . I was born in Torrington in 1955, the son, one of four, of a successful small-town automobile dealer and a stay-at-home mom. After graduating from
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By Mark . . . On May 31, 2024, the parties filed their opening summary judgment briefs in Antrim v. Carr, 19-cv-396 (Eastern District of Wisconsin), in which plaintiffs challenge the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s statutory scheme requiring that certain individuals convicted of sexual offenses
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By Sandy . . . Do they reoffend with another sexual crime? Yes, but rarely. Do they commit petty offenses? Yes, sometimes. Do they violate the terms of supervision or the registry? Yes, some. Do they live normal, ordinary, law-abiding lives? Yes,
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It’s not too late to register for the NARSOL conference in Atlanta, Georgia, June 20 – 23. Go to where you can register, view the schedule of events, and even book a hotel room. Follow the hotel link on the conference
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By Sandy . . . An interesting screen shot was captured online. Titled “Barefoot Lake Issues” and written by someone who signed his name as the town manager of Firestone, CO, it sounds as though it could be a coded message in
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