Since 2009, Robin has served NARSOL in various capacities: 1) editor-in-chief of the Minutemen, 2) inaugural chair of the legal committee (now SLAP), 3) organizing facilitator for the committee of electors (now nominating committee), 4) custodian of the by-laws, as adopted, 5) parliamentarian for the board of directors, 6) current director of development, and 6) founder and president of NARSOL’s foundation, Vivante Espero. Robin spent six years in the Virginia penitentiary for a computer solicitation conviction (sting operation that involved no actual victim). For more than 20 years, Robin was a professional consultant to a variety of local, state, and federal election campaigns. At the time of his arrest in 2003, he was a third-year law student at Regent University School of Law (Virginia Beach) scheduled to receive joint degrees in Law and Political Management the following Spring. He holds a bachelors of arts in political science from The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. From 1993 to 1997, he was publisher of the Citizen, a weekly tabloid of politics and culture. Robin was a 2018 Leading with Conviction fellow in the 2018 cohort of JustLeadershipUSA, one of the nation’s most distinguished prison reform initiatives. Robin was removed from North Carolina’s SO registry in 2019.