Fearless Project

In September 2016, NARSOL launched a project to create dynamic, self-sustaining support groups nationwide, specifically for registered citizens and their adult family members and closest friends impacted by our draconian sexual offense laws. These groups are much MORE than support groups, however. Their goal is two-fold: first, to provide a strong community for persons marginalized […]

Being Fearless

Getting past the shame people try to pile on you, writes Paul Hanley in LifeTimes magazine, can be as easy as looking at yourself through the eyes of people you meet at Fearless Groups. By Paul Hanley . . . When I attended court-ordered therapy for a sexually-based offense, I wasn’t interested in making friends. […]

It’s time to be FEARLESS

By Harold Rector . . . The Fearless Project was launched by RSOL, Inc – now NARSOL — in the fall of 2016 in an effort to address a serious need in the advocacy community. Most registered persons and family members feel isolated and have no “safe” community or supportive environment. This project seeks to […]

Frequently asked questions

The information provided on this page should be used with the utmost care and caution. What follows is NARSOL’s best effort at answering many of the questions individuals have asked about various aspects of registration laws. However, individuals are highly encouraged to seek the best available legal advice about the laws in his or her […]


(Click here to fill out the application) Coordinators and Directors Coordinators and Directors are responsible for task and volunteer management on a specific project such as affiliate management, marketing tasks, or fearless groups. They keep track of the progress of their team and report that information to the board, executive director, or volunteer coordinator regularly. […]

Building bridges

By Brenda . . . The annual international conference for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) was held this year in Vancouver, British Columbia. This is a very large conference – over a thousand people there. NARSOL decided to staff a booth at the event for the first time, and I was joined by Cindy Prizio […]


Pennsylvania Pennsylvania – Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL Affiliate) Address: P.O. Box 123, Lehman, PA 18627 Phone: 717-820-2237 Email: contact@parsol.org Newsletter Additional Resources Pennsylvania on the NARSOL State Wiki Pennsylvania Fearless Support Group Pennsylvania ‘Sex Offender’ Registration Information Pennsylvania’s ‘Sex Offender’ Registry Law (“PA Megan’s Law”) was enacted in 1995 in response to […]