
Press release re forced physical castration legislation in Louisiana

NARSOL Newsroom

Advocacy group denounces Louisiana legislation as useless, barbaric, and costly


Proposed law does not address issue of child abuse, could cost the state millions says the National Assc. for Rational Sexual Offense Laws

“No other state in the union has this requirement. Do you want Louisiana to be responsible for getting this barbaric practice into law? It is now targeting people who have committed certain sexual crimes. Who could it target tomorrow? When would it stop?” Sandy Rozek, the communications director of the advocacy organization, questions the reasons behind this legislation. “All of the research is there, has been there for years,” she continues. “This is not a viable law.”

Currently, several states allow the choice of castration by the affected person, but it is something chosen by the offender, not required as part of punishment, which is what Louisiana Senate Bill 371, proposed by Sen. Regina Barrow, does. The bill applies to both male and female offenders.

The bill has been accepted in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Judiciary C.

“The National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws—NARSOL—advocates for evidence-based strategies to help prevent child abuse,” Rozek says. “However, we totally oppose forced castration, both chemical and physical, for those who have committed sexual crime because it is, at best, ineffective and, at worst, barbaric.”

The research Rozek referred to, addressing forced chemical castration and other statistics, includes:

  • Negligible positive benefits and medically serious negative ones;(1)
  • Very low recidivism achieved through more acceptable forms of therapy and self-motivation; (2) (3)
  • Universal moral and constitutional objections; (4)
  • The failure of the procedure to result in any significant reduction in future offenses as most future child molesters are not those already convicted but rather family members and other trusted individuals who are unlikely to be in the criminal justice system. (5)

“And,” interjected NARSOL’s chair Robin Vanderwall, “as abhorrent as non-consensual chemical castration is, forced physical castration goes many steps beyond. Physical castration cannot be undone when it is later discovered that individuals are, after all, not guilty of the crimes for which they were convicted, sentenced, and surgically maimed at the hands of the state.”

Senator Barrow, the author of the bill, admitted in an interview about the legislation that Louisiana has a higher-than-usual percentage of wrongful convictions. Every year DNA evidence now reveals such persons nationwide.

Vanderwall asked, “How many more victims of mistaken identification or malicious wrongful accusation exist? In addition to the violence wreaked upon innocent individuals, such situations are an open invitation to litigation against the state and the awarding of enormous amounts of taxpayer funds to be paid to those who were so brutally wronged.”

Summing up, Rozek said, “No valid reasons exist for legislation that mandates forced, non-consensual castration, either chemical or physical. NARSOL protests in the strongest possible terms the use of these practices in the treatment or management of persons with sexual crime convictions. If the people of Louisiana do not approve of state-sanctioned mutilation and placing the state at risk for expensive lawsuits, they need to make their opposition heard.”

The progress of the bill here can be followed here:

Louisiana legislators may be located here:

Judiciary C Committee:

Contact the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws or email for information or questions.

Sandy Rozek

Written by 

Sandy, a NARSOL board member, is communications director for NARSOL, editor-in-chief of the Digest, and a writer for the Digest and the NARSOL website. Additionally, she participates in updating and managing the website and assisting with a variety of organizational tasks.

7 Thoughts to “Press release re forced physical castration legislation in Louisiana”

  1. AvatarJC


    Do we, anywhere in the US, maim anyone (aside from the death penalty) as punishment for anything? That actually sounds like something out of the old testament, or maybe Islamic law.

    1. AvatarJim

      Absolutely the USA Maims people. All the time. Mostly the USA maims the publics brains and thought processes. Then convinces people that the body needs to be changed for the illusion of safety thus what they have tried to do since the invasion of this country from the start of the USA. Maim the Natives who were here before us but were deemed a danger. So maim the Natives for the illusion of safety. Then the so-called witches were maimed to provide the illusion of safety. Then the labeled ” colored people” were maimed for the illusion of safety. On and on, now to the miss understood sex offender. The next experiment for the illusion of safety. I forgot the Japanese who were also maimed for the illusion of safety. The USA will always need a race of humans to maim for their illusion of safety.

  2. AvatarScott

    The Hysteria just keeps increasing…why? Have we, in the USA, become a nation that has gone backwards in our morals, when sensibilty was our caste? Why is Ignorance the Rule of the day? Nothing makes any sense in todays world in the USA! What`s next? We already have mass shootings (killing kids) people screaming that everything is about race, Leaders that have literally have lost thier minds and are criminally minded…and the general populous votes them in. The Media only covers the bad and never tells whole truths, creating more hysteria. Politicians stand at the top and continue to feed hatred and the destruction of our very own citizens, all because they do not want to lose money and their places of power and lose votes. It just keeps going and going….The Actions simply just dont support and facts anymore…its all about Fear and Hatred.

  3. AvatarDD

    This is cruel unusual punishment for these men. Here are a couple questions.

    What happens to the women sex offenders?
    What are they going to do for the ones that are later found innocent? You know they are not all guilty.
    How many suicides will the state of Louisiana going to be responsible for?

    Revenge is wrong and was spoken against by the very people who set up our constitution, and justice system.

  4. AvatarRobert Glenn Gass

    American management of sex offenders could be compared to the segregation and injustice of Jews in the 1940s and Negroes before and after that. Castrations might be compared to lynching of Americans by Americans. There is no consideration of their rights guaranteed by the Constitution, their privacy, nor any Christian forgiveness in redemption – ever. Social academics have long proven by research that sex offenders processed through the system have the lowest recidivism rate just above murders. Despite a lengthy number of studies, lawmakers and the justice system is known not for its justice, but for being politically “tough on crime” only for purposes of appearance and votes. Castration is just another mishandling of American human rights. Are politicians like Senator Regina Barrow proud of their lack of mindfulness of human rights or their blind contribution to America with the largest prison population in the world? The justice system needs overhaul, yet politicians continue to feed the justice system with bad laws and bad policy. Politicians like Senator Regina Barrow are neither studying the research nor showing their understandings of the repercussions of their actions.

  5. AvatarMike

    Well from what I’ve read in studies and what I’ve been told by counselor’s that sex offender’s and rapist commit those crimes not because of sexual desires and/or needs but they commit them because of power and control. Besides what happens if castrated and either later found innocent or what happens when castrated and few years they’re completely reabilitated. Best way to end the registry and laws is for every laws passed on Sex offenders make laws on all criminals that match sex offender’s laws, Example:1. A person broke a internet sex offense and now by law that person is banned for a lifetime from the Internet.
    2. A person broke the law and murdered another person, this person went on the Internet and searched and hunted for a person to murder, then found said person and murdered her. The said convicted killer should be banned from the Internet for lifetime.

  6. AvatarCJ

    I past this info onto 7 Licensed Medical Professionals

    I enter NO commentary……I just asked…”What do you all think about this”

    They all responded with this….

    ‘After you are castrated your body still produces Testosterone and able to achieve a full erection’

    So castration does not matter and so Ms Delisha Boyd should realize that the ‘Bird’ will always fly!

    in Both Directions!

    Once again a politician wasting taxpayer monies

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