NARSOL’s 2025 conference is slated to be held in Grand Rapids, MI on June 26-29.
Super Early Bird Registration is Open by Clicking Here.

From NARSOL’s groundbreaking conference in 2009 in Boston that was kept secret, early conferences took place with many advocates using a pseudonym and attendees being required to register before knowing the exact location. By 2012, though, NARSOL was welcomed in cities across the country, and the conferences became widely publicized. NARSOL has continued to present a quality annual conference that has been attended by many known researchers, professors, attorneys and advocates over the years. Organized and run totally by dedicated NARSOL volunteers, the annual conferences feature dynamic, headlining speakers, informative workshop topics, and unique networking opportunities for members and friends.

Chronology and highlights:

Year Location Notes
2009 Boston, MA First conference; limited to registering to attend before location was disclosed.
2010 Washington D.C. Included appointments and visits to legislators on capital hill.
2011 St. Louis, MO Women Against Registry was introduced.
2012 Albuquerque, NM Children of registrants were welcomed; local news media coverage resulted in a town hall meeting at an area school and a warm welcome from the police chief.
2013 Los Angeles, CA
2014 Dallas, TX Highest number of attendees registered for a conference; the conference venue was in a local church.
2015 Dallas, TX Again in a local church. First live-stream.
2016 Atlanta, GA
2017 Atlanta, GA
2018 Independence, OH 10-year celebration
2019 Houston, TX Mayor of Houston sent a letter of welcome to our conference.
2020 Live-Stream Summit In-person conference cancelled due to COVID.
2021 Houston, TX
2022 Raleigh, NC
2023 Houston, TX
2024 Atlanta, GA