NARSOL to sheriff: “Stop what you’re doing or face legal action.”

Sheriff Neil Warren of Cobb County, Georgia, and his deputies are enforcing several requirements against those on the sexual offense registry in their county that are not authorized in their state’s SORNA specifications.

These include unauthorized frequency of home visits, threats of jail if certain actions aren’t performed, harassing behaviors, and unauthorized requirement of information.

On January 27, 2020, NARSOL sent a cease-and-desist letter to Sheriff Warren enumerating exactly where his office, under his direction, was overstepping legal authority. As with similar letters sent to the other Georgia sheriffs, NARSOL appealed to Warren to respond to us and open up lines of communication in order to avoid the possibility of legal action.

On January 29, 2020, NARSOL issued this press release detailing our actions against the Cobb County Sheriff. We made it clear that we prefer to seek alternative resolutions rather than going to court. The choice is now in his hands.

We are also putting law enforcement everywhere on notice: requirements of registrants that is beyond the scope of the law or violates constitutional rights will not go unchallenged.


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This post was written by someone, or multiple people, within NARSOL.