2018 NARSOL board retreat paves path for future growth, success

By Admin . . . National’s board of directors gathered in Houston, Texas, January 12 -14, for its annual strategic planning retreat. During these yearly events, the board maps out its advocacy priorities for the coming year, sets deadlines, and assigns tasks.

The three day session was attended by all eight of NARSOL’s sitting directors and by all but one of the directors of our foundation, Vivante Espero.

The retreat began with a review of our full annual report and of our priorities chart developed at last year’s retreat.

We quickly identified a cluster of activities that were successfully addressed in 2017 and that we will continue to address, develop, and improve for the coming year. These issues needed little discussion other than a unanimous agreement that they are priorities and, in some cases, more detailed discussion about the options for achieving them. They include but are not limited to:

  • Participating in legal actions (joining suits; filing amicus briefs; supporting state efforts)
  • Hosting a yearly conference
  • Working with states (regions; affiliates; advocates; Fearless project)
  • Publishing and expanding the Digest newsletter
  • Increasing and improving media and social media presence
  • Expanding resources and developing new ones (website; state Wiki pages; NARSOL in Action; educational literature)
  • Enhancing membership, marketing, and fundraising initiatives

We then discussed and prioritized other worthwhile goals such as:

  • Enhancing educational initiatives (podcasts; video; radio)
  • Adding to our non-registrant support base
  • Exploring alternate financing (grants; endowments)

After discussing and listing each activity needed to accomplish all of the agreed-upon goals, we tackled the task of developing a budget by assigning the dollar amount needed for each activity that requires financing. We developed separate budgets for NARSOL and for Vivante Espero.

Next, NARSOL’s board went through the prioritized list, and individual directors signed up to take lead and assist with each goal and activity. Our final list includes 44 separate activities, ranging from “absolutely will do” to the lower priority items.

The board of directors’ retreat ended Sunday afternoon with NARSOL’s future goals firmly in the directors’ minds and their energy renewed for the tasks of the year ahead, stronger than ever in its resolve to never give up this fight. It is important because every man, woman, and child for whom NARSOL fights is important. Its organizational goals and beliefs are important. Fighting for the dignity and the constitutional rights of all is not only important; it is the most important thing this organization will ever do.


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This post was written by someone, or multiple people, within NARSOL.