How to grow an advocacy organization

Our next teleconference of Advancing Advocacy has a very special guest.

Current president of North Carolina RSOL (NCROSL), Robin Vanderwall, will share how NCRSOL has grown steadily since its launch in Spring, 2016, and has quickly engaged its resources in building membership and joining legal actions. Some of this was by design as NCRSOL capitalized on a couple of high profile cases that originated in the Tarheel state. He will share how the group raised  thousands of dollars to support ongoing and future litigation, how the organization supported NARSOL’s first amicus brief filed before the US Supreme Court, and how efforts were made to lift the organization’s profile with the North Carolina state legislature. He will also share NCRSOL’s current efforts to expand membership and raise capital to sustain future goals, along with continued media campaigns for membership and awareness.

NCRSOL’s board meets frequently as it focuses on ways to further expand its membership and raise additional capital to sustain its pending and future goals for advocacy. An important component to its growth has been the broad use of media campaigns as a means to raise general awareness about its activities within North Carolina and in conjunction with the national association NARSOL.

Robin Vanderwall has been active as a project leader and team member for NARSOL (formerly RSOL) since 2010. He presently serves as vice chair on the board of directors and is president of NARSOL’s informational and educational foundation, Vivante Espero.

Meeting details and sign-up here:

someone outside of NARSOL

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One Thought to “How to grow an advocacy organization”

  1. AvatarHollis L Johnson

    I would like to join and become an advocate to help those who have served their time, and trying to move on with their lives.

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