RSOL demands repeal of Rhode Island residency restrictions; Supports lawsuit prohibiting enforcement

Cambridge, MA—RSOL, Inc.—a leading civil rights group advocating on behalf of registered citizens and their families—called today for the immediate repeal of Rhode Island’s newest law designed to segregate registrants, deprive them of their homes and property, and further erode the constitutional rights of American citizens.   read full release

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4 Thoughts to “RSOL demands repeal of Rhode Island residency restrictions; Supports lawsuit prohibiting enforcement”

  1. AvatarDana

    Thank you RSOL! We are with you! This may be the one the Supreme Court has been waiting for.! How better for Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy to correct the wrongs of the past and restore faith in the Court? Thank you! The country will feel much safer if innocent people are allowed the freedom to live free. And if all people can trust the courts to respect the rights of all citizens.

    The Rhode Island law takes the cake, coming only weeks before an election, as a gimmick to draw attention away from “real” issues. The voters are asked to vote for candidates that “keep our kids safe”. From what? The predator in the white van? How many kids were abducted yesterday on “Walk to School Day?”

  2. AvatarDonald Venturino

    I really hope they win cause Missouri needs the change too. I hope the country figures out just how wrong the restrictions behind the registry really are.

  3. AvatarBorn Again

    Let’s hope they win the case. These nazi residency laws are doing more harm in undermining the rights of American citizens.

  4. AvatarTerry

    They will win this if the powers that be can finally realize that residency restrictions protect no one. If a Registered Sex Offender or any convicted person wants to re-offend, being 1000 feet from a school is not going to deter him or her from re-offending. If an SO lived 1001 foot away from that same school or daycare, does that mean those in that school or daycare are safer because of 12″? What about the Bank Robber with a gun, is he or she required to live 1000 feet from a bank? If not, why? He or she could still cross town and rob another bank or travel to another state. Just as a SO could travel across town or to another state to re-offend. The residency restrictions are worthless and are protecting no one except the image of the politicians that created them.

    Come on people, the insanity has to stop. These feel good laws are protecting no one. It’s sad that our law makers are more willing to create laws and restrictions that make the general public feel safe,rather than to create solution’s that work for everyone, because in reality, a Law written on paper, protects no one, laws are broken everyday.

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