To catch a predator–oops–make that non-predator

How can you turn a lonely guy looking for a date into a predator looking for a victim? All you need is a computer and a cop. Thus we must hail Noah Pransky, an investigative reporter for WTSP in Tampa Bay, Florida, for exposing the way cops fish for men on adults-only dating sites and then arrest them for being child predators. When they’re not.

One way the cops do this is by first pretending to be young ladies of legal age. Then, once they develop an online relationship with a guy, they “admit” that they are actually younger, but still really want to meet. Or they say that they are eager to meet the man, but will be bringing along a younger sibling. The men don’t have to indicate any interest in dating the female they now think is younger, or in dating a legal lady’s younger sibling. Merely continuing an online conversation is considered soliciting a minor, as is heading off to meet the “older” sibling who will have the “younger” sibling (both non existent, of course) with her.

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6 Thoughts to “To catch a predator–oops–make that non-predator”

  1. AvatarDan

    I avoid online dating for many reasons, this being one. However before I avoided the whole Internet dating I would was paranoid about a under aged and I think I did talked to one. I closed the page super fast. She sent really sexual comments and I responded but then she admitted to being “young”. Even though I’m a loner and not outgoing online dating isn’t a viable option.

  2. I made the mistake of getting involved with this would be teenager. At first I badgered her as to why she couldn’t find anyone her own age to chat with since she was on an adult site. While the ordeal ended up in me meeting her, I said something to the fact that I bet you would like to meet me and not me meeting her. While I put my foot in it I didn’t really want to go meet that person so I prayed that God would intervene. Upon going down there after some hesitation I started down there and happened to check my cell phone and it was the gal that asked if I was coming. There was my miracle and my chance to back out, and I did ask to but she conned me again, with this but were meeting in the park in public what could happen.
    I’m sure the rest is self explanatory. Can you say plea-deal.

    1. AvatarGuilty

      OK, I’m a registered sex offender. I gotta say, though, I can’t believe the way you told your story. So, you only talked to the minor to tell her not to talk to adults. “While I put my foot in it I didn’t really want to go meet that person so I prayed that God would intervene.” How about you intervene for yourself? If you didn’t want to go you would not have gone. Take responsibility for what you did. It’s the only way to get closure and move on. I myself viewed child pornography. I’m embarrassed. I hate myself for the damage I did to my family. But I’m guilty. Knowing that I did it allows me to know I’ll never do it again.

  3. AvatarGwennie

    “(I want) to require everyone before they’re released from military prison to be fingerprinted, to have their DNA taken and to be identified as a sexual predator,” said Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif. It’s obvious Rep. Speier doesn’t understand what classifies someone as a sex offender. Not all offenders are predators and in fact many are children and some only urinated in public or breast fed in public. Perhaps she should learn more about federal sex offender laws before painting all sex offenders under one broad brush. Sex offenders are already punished twice and her comments do nothing to bring about reform which is sorely needed for the sex offender registry.

    1. AvatarDonald

      I am a registered offender myself. Though in my presentence agreement I was only supposed to have to register for 10 years or till I was released from probation and that was agreed on by myself, my attorney and the representative for the 10th district and was legally entered and agreed upon it is funny because it is the only legal paper that has disappeared from my file and so unenforceable by me.
      My point is that I do believe that all people or no group or single person should be held accountable by any law. If under our Nations laws these people would be required to register as SO, then so be it and have them register. One nation and one level of laws for all.
      That said I personally do not believe in Registration for life automatically as part of a sentence. Where is the incentive to be a good citizen when good is not good enough? Most SO never commit another sex crime, yet drug offenders are almost guarantied to commit another directly drug related crime and they do not have a life sentence that is a offense to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now our government wants to restrict our ability to travel to other countries because we might be tempted to forsake a countries life sentence for personal freedom.
      There a supposed to legal remedies we can use to address legal wrongs and yet they are priced out of reach of almost all of us, SO or not, so as to protect the earning potential of a multi billion dollar a year industry, under the guise of law enforcement and citizen protection. Just another money laundering operation run by our government.
      Either we fight or we fail. There is not other way. It takes money, but we can fight more effectively and much more cost effectively as a collative whole than as individuals. We did not truly chose to be here, this is where they put us.
      If you doubt that, why are the laws so different for people like Bill Cosby, your state representatives, senators, judges, and others in the top 10%? Because they have the ability to truly fight or, put simple, buy the justice system.
      My attorney thought he did a great job and was quick to congratulate his fine ability as a attorney. Yet within 2 years my accuser wanted to recant all allegations and accusations against me, she was 61/2 years old when she was told I molested her. Yet where is my recourse? I was told that for about $60,000. I may be able to find some flaw to give grounds for a request of retrial and possible go back to a trial with the hope that this time I can win, but who has $60,000. when you can’t even get gainful employment? This is why they work to keep us broke and why we need to fight together. They know we can win. They know that they have commit crimes against us and our Nation and they fear us. That is why they do not want us united. You don’t have to be too bright to understand that united we can stand, but divided we have and will continue to fall.

    2. AvatarEd


      Too bad you aren’t THE Donald-as in Trump. Our problems would be solved. But you are right, like Franklin said, we must hang together, or we all shall surely hang separately. Hanging separately is surely what we all are doing NOW.
      A whole bunch of us should get together with some sort of escrow outfit who would hold all our legal donations and then go out and hire a Dershowitz or a Belli, or whoever replaces today the deceased Johnny Cochran. We need to be able to hire those $500 an hour types to fight our common case. We must GET RID ENTIRELY of these regulatory schemes “AS THEY ARE APPLIED”.

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