SC Call for Registry Reform

RSOL Executive Director Brenda Jones calls for registry reform in the wake of a double murder in South Carolina.

At its heart, law enforcement agencies across the country say that the sex offender registry is a great resource when used. For example, when people are moving into a neighborhood, or perhaps if they have questions about a neighbor.

“The sex offender registry is a tool, and it’s a tool for both law enforcement and the general public,” said Lt. Michael Hildebrand with the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office. “And just like every tool, when it is used properly, it’s a good thing.”

But Union County deputies said that registry was used as a tool for evil.

Jeremy and Christine Moody told authorities that they targeted Charles and Gretchen Parker, because Charles was on the sex offender registry, and they were gunning for more sex offenders on the list.

Deputies said the Moodys targeted Parker, claiming he was a “child molester”, but authorities said the charge that made him a sex offender in South Carolina involved an adult…  ​Direct Link to full Story.

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