Can I Travel Overseas?

Can I get a passport? Are there places that I can’t go if I am on a sex offender registry in the United States? How about just in the U.S.?

Get the answers to these questions and more at the RSOL “Justice for All” Conference starting August 29 in Los Angeles. The workshop “Registered Traveler,” presented by Virginia Hall, CA RSOL, is a must-attend if travel is in your future–or if you want it to be.

For those who are active in your state and want to improve your effectiveness when you meet with your legislators, here is a workshop designed just for you. Gail Coletta of the Florida Action Committee joins forces with psychotherapists Dr. Suzonne Kline and Dr. Eric Imhoff to bring you “How to Work With the Experts and Meet With Your Legislators.” This interactive workshop will give you many new ideas as well as a boost to your confidence.

Remember to register for the conference and reserve your hotel room before the end of July. That is when the earlybird discounts disappear. You can do this as well as read about all the workshops available at

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